Let’s get tough on crime. Fund law enforcement first and everything else second. Less government spending on homeless programs and D.E.I. propaganda. More transparency and public engagement. Hands off my private property. Respect the Bill of Rights.

Let’s regain local control and give power back to We The People.

We need to reject destructive liberal policies and take action to ensure our neighborhoods are safe & free of criminals.

We will not tolerate the continuing dismantling of our criminal justice system. Criminals need swift & appropriate consequences for their actions if our society is to function properly. It is unacceptable that our leaders have not made any progress in dealing with the steep rise in drug use or property crimes these past couple years. Coos County needs a jail that is open to full capacity and a justice system capable of handing out well deserved jail sentences to the growing population of career criminals.

In an economy where budgets are tight, we cannot afford to waste money on programs that enable drug dependency and perpetual unemployment.

Not a single penny of the Coos County budget should be used to directly or indirectly finance bum-enabling organizations like the Devereux Center in Coos Bay that are a blight on the community. We should only support programs that promote personal accountability, zero-tolerance drug use, and respect to the neighborhood.

Our nation was founded on capitalism and a hands-off approach to governance. It is time to return to traditional American values.

We need to do away with the regulations and departments that are strangling local business owners and home builders. A permit fee for this, a fine for that — you have the right to run your business or develop your property without interference from Big Brother. It is time we stand up and defend your rights.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government."

—Thomas Paine (author of Common Sense)

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I will work hard to get Coos County back on the right track. I am always willing to listen to new ideas and alternative viewpoints, but I refuse to compromise on liberty-minded principles such as private property rights and small government.